
AkB Talent Edge
led by Adwoa K. Buahene, MA


Adwoa K. Buahene, M.A. AkB Talent Edge supports organizations to achieve greater engagement and HR metrics by focusing on the quality and fairness of your talent management practices. This is particularly important as more and more organizations turn to AI to assist in recruitment, learning and performance management/career advancement. Also, hybrid work and socio-economic realities and tensions necessitate that organizations do talent management better. Using soft systems methodology, we improve the quality and execution of talent management processes – Better TM.

As a former co-founder and partner of n-gen People Performance Inc. (2003), I co-led the identification, understanding of generational diversity, leading to engagement solutions in Canada and the US. For 12 years, n-gen provided consulting services to hundreds of Fortune 500 organizations across North America and globally on how to get, keep, and grow all four generations (pre-birth of Gen Z). During my time at n-gen, I co-authored two books, wrote for industry publications and was regularly interviewed by media on how to create greater engagement across a multigenerational workforce.

After selling my shares, I created a family as a single-parent-by-choice and worked in the not-for-profit sector for 7 years, including the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council and Habitat for Humanity GTA. In those 7 years, I worked with employers who were trying to create engagement through community involvement or improve the quality of hiring practices to include internationally educated professionals. Being involved with employers in a different scope, allowed me to reflect on talent management and engagement practices pre- and post-2020.

Aside from having worked globally (France, Romania, Germany, India, South Korea, US and Canada), I am the mother of a spirited, full of joy and hopeful 9-year old daughter who loves travel as much as I do.



AkB Talent Edge’s commitment is to focus on impact rather than make assumptions about intent behind actions or behaviours. Our commitment is to engage in a growth mind-set with you and to provide you with counsel and recommendations that are actionable, sustainable and respectful to all involved.